Roots Rock

tree roots in limestone
Roots Rock

It’s a little difficult to see if the image is small, but this valiant tree rooted in a limestone cliff and its roots traveled through splits in the rocks in a swtichback, all the way down to a tiny pat of soil on a ledge. How did the roots find their way there? How did the tree live until it reached that tiny dollop of soil? Persistence, and a will to live, so that one autumn afternoon it can splash its brilliant yellow leaves against the lichen-frosted limestone on a north-facing cliff.

I recently listened to a program in which several people, from building inspectors to scientists, not how trees will find water, even if it’s in a pipe going into your house. Within days the roots transplanted near a water source will turn and start growing in that direction. And some plants in the studies seemed to be reacting to just the sound of water. It’s called “Plant Parade” from Radiolab, have a listen.

The full image is below, and in that you can see this tree has style—the slender trunk, the root’s path through the rocks and reaching down for the soil, it’s like a mirror image from top to bottom.

tree roots in limestone
Full version of the photo.

For more photos, and the occasional sketch, from this day, search “2022 autumn woods walk”.

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