Got My Eye On You

Eastern Garter Snake
Eastern Garter Snake with an eye on me.

Lil shoelace makes a stand. Garter snakes always looked like shoelaces to me. Shoelace did not move but kept that one eye on me. Did he think the dried grapevine twistie was camouflage?

Below, where the snake was resting. The woods were getting a little dim and I was wandering around trying to capture the last light on things in the woods around me, like an amazing natural sculpture of grapevines highlighted by the sun. Grapevines and honeysuckle tangled everywhere and it was just by luck that I noticed a pattern that was not leaf or bark or branch, and there was the garter snake. I photographed it from every angle.


For more photos, and the occasional sketch, from this day, search “2022 autumn woods walk”.

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