Winter Flowers

Petunias in the basement.

Good morning ladies! Thank you for continuing to bloom and be beautiful.

Each autumn I bring any plants inside that are still thriving and give them a chance to make it through the winter. Some don’t, some do but don’t last the next spring, but many make it through two or more years and I take cuttings of others to populate my planters the next summer. Plus, it’s so nice to see the color in winter. Wait until the beginning of March when most break dormancy or respond to longer days, and repot them with new soil when they are ready to take up the nutrients.

Brachyscome was not looking good, then suddenly perked up and produced flowers. Feeling the lengthening days—are you?


Keeping my hot pink impatiens going until spring. They’ve lost all their leaves and have only a few blooms, but they are one of the ones that fares well over two or three years.

Vibrant color for a winter day.

And while they’re not colorful, it’s so nice to see greenery inside in winter too. The ferns from the front porch are producing new growth, and they’ll be looking good in the spring. No need to runa round looking for affordable ferns!

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