Tiny Blue

tiny blue squill flowers
Tiny Blue Squill Flowers

The tiny blue squills are here, pushing up between the stones of my patio and looking oh, so fragile while in past springs they’ve weathered snow, hail and ice. It pays to be so close to the ground that everything around you gets hit first. These flowers are a half inch wide at most.

They face down to the ground in a way that always makes me think of umbrellas on a rainy day.

tiny blue squill flowers
Little umbrellas.

Each flower is facing a slightly different direction, so when I photograph with a short depth of field I like to focus on different groups, like these three in the front.

tiny blue squill flowers
Focus on the first three.

Or how about that one in the back that’s actually looking almost sideways, and the bud above it, ready to be a flower tomorrow.

tiny blue squill flowers
Focus on the one that’s looking to the right.


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