Rainbow Sparkles of Magic, with video

sparkles in snow
Rainbow Sparkles of Magic

Rainbow sparkles in the frost atop the snow this morning, like bits of magic, while the birds sing their morning songs at 6 degrees, with squirrel tracks to follow. Enjoy the video below, and scroll down to read more.

“If you abandon the present moment, you cannot live the moments of your daily life deeply.” ~Thich Nhat Hahn

Find the sparkles. Live those moments fully. Even I put aside my camera to be with that moment, not an easy thing for me, then recorded it to share it with you.

Kitties were confused because I did this before they had breakfast. I also did this before I had coffee, it was just so beautiful
I had to get out there as soon as the sun came up and the sparkles started.

Hope you enjoy the big old cat hair in the middle of the video too. My camera needs a cleaning.

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