You Can’t See Me Stealing Your Bird Seed

You can see a little bit of her.
You can see a little bit of her.

I am always at war with the squirrels at my bird feeders, and sometimes with my porch pillows and welcome mats. I don’t mind if they raid the feeders, but I do mind when they chew them apart, and I also mind of the birds, who are not the omnivores squirrels are, don’t get to eat what I’ve carefully chosen for them.

The little girl squirrel searching for more popcorn.
The little girl squirrel searching for more popcorn.

But they like popcorn and this little girl was looking for more. It keeps them occupied so the birds can eat. In fact, they like it so much they must think I’ll come racing out to chase them away because the the little girl squirrels, at least, flip their tails over their heads so many I won’t notice them.

You can see a little bit of her.
Can’t see her at all!
. . . . . . .

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