My New Best Friend

You lookin at me?

The buck stops here, I guess, at least for dinner. I shouldn’t mind if he’s eating all that grew while we were having torrential rains, but he never seems to eat in anyone else’s yard. At least he hasn’t figured out getting into the back yard…yet.

Such a pretty boy.

It started when I heard rustling outdoors again. Then Basil got up from his nap and looked out the window and I knew it was probably the deer again. I saw him out the window, and when he started moving toward the street I went out the front door. He saw me on the porch as I talked to him and then smacked my hand on a few things between pictures, he turned around to move away, then looked for a way to leave. It’s not blocked, but it looks like it is with all the stuff in the yard. He went toward the picket fence which he could easily jump, but for some reason he didn’t like the thought of it, turned around and walked through under the spruce and started grazing on jewelweed, virginia creeper and poison ivy. Fine with me! He moved out into the street and then ran up the hill. A car headed up the street in that direction and I gestured to slow down because the buck was still on the street. The driver did momentarily, but everyone thinks they need a good head start to get up the hill. Then he did slow down and actually stop when he saw the buck on the sidewalk. Interesting!

You lookin at me?
Such a pretty boy.

. . . . . . .

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