Geraniums Don’t Care if its Snowing

pink geraniums
Geraniums don’t care if it’s snowing.

The geraniums are always ready to start blooming again in January, even if they aren’t in the right place in the house, even if it’s snowing outside the window. In fact, they were all in the basement until just a couple of weeks ago when I finally set up good places where they could get sunlight and they were already blooming then.

I save them from year to year, overwintered first in the basement so they can take a little bit of a break, then upstairs in a bright or sunny area. I don’t trim the plants back when they are outdoors, instead waiting until they are indoors and have bloomed to take cuttings and root them so that I can have more geraniums next summer. I had one main plant last 13 years, and most last at least five and up to 10, all shades of red and pink. That’s a lot of geraniums, a lot of pots in the yard and hanging baskets, and the hummingbirds are pretty happy about that.

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