Don’t Do It!

daffodil sprouts
Don’t do it!

Don’t do it!

Earlier every spring, but always unexpected cold, snow and ice. They never listen to me.

This is not from today—I took this photo four days ago and I had actually seen them the day before. I checked last year too, they were up on January 24, so it’s probably about the same this year as last. This year is similarly mild to warm and rainy. But daffodils will daffodil.

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  1. I had snowdrops bloom today, the earliest I remember. Fortunately, spring bulbs have the equivalent of anti-freeze in their cells and they weather these crazy freeze thaw cycles just fine. Enjoy those snub noses poking out of the ground 🙂

    1. I need to get some snowdrops! I am fascinated when something as delicate as my scilla siberica bloom and then there’s an ice storm. They really don’t care.

      1. Snowdrops are such a spirit lifter in the dead of winter! They multiply pretty quickly, plant 20 and within a few years you’ll have plenty to spread around and let multiply again. The secret is to divide and move while the foliage is still green.

        1. I know just where I want to put them now that I’ve got my front yard kind of set up and I’ll clean up the back yard soon. Right where I can see them out a window, and on my walk around the yard with the kitties in the morning.

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